Sex Doll News & Announcements

Welcome Firefly Diary Doll: The Latest Enchantment on YourDoll

We are delighted to introduce a new and intriguing brand to the YourDoll community – Firefly Diary Doll. Specializing in Asian/ Japanese style love dolls, Firefly Diary brings a unique narrative to the world of lifelike dolls, with a focus on capturing the essence of daily life.

Specific Theme: Capture Daily Moments

Firefly Diary Doll sets itself apart by creating a series of themed dolls. Each doll tells a story, bringing to life the various facets of daily life through their expressions, attire, accessories, and scenes.

Diverse Range in Size & Design

Understanding the importance of variety, Firefly Diary has released four distinct body types for their silicone sex doll, including 151cm, 162cm, 164cm, and 165cm. This range allows for a broader spectrum of preferences.

Movable Jaw & Real Oral Feature

Firefly Diary also introduced the movable jaw feature on their gorgeous Asian faces: Lian and Shirley. They have shared the factory videos of these two heads.

Exquisite Body Details

Each doll is crafted from high-quality silicone, featuring detailed skin texture and realistic body painting. The following video will show the amazing details of a Firefly Diary doll.

Squishy Jiggle Boobs & Soft Body

Gel breasts are a must for silicone sex dolls, and sometimes, doll lovers will also choose the gel butt and soft body for a nice touch sensation.

Perfect Design of Hard Feet

We can hardly see the seam between hard feet and soft calf, the perfect transition achieves another level of aesthetic.

That’s not the end of Firefly Doll, they keep sharing photos and videos about their love doll stories. We invite you to explore the charming world of Firefly Diary Doll on YourDoll. Here is just the start of Firefly Diary!

Celebrate the arrival of Firefly Diary Doll and discover the beauty of lifelike companions today!🌟🏫💖