Sex Doll Options & Functions

What’s the Difference Between SEDOLL’s Body Painting & Body Freckles?

In body art, SEDOLL has introduced two customizable options: body painting and body freckles. In this blog, we’re going to show you the difference between body painting and body freckles of SE dolls, and the care instruction during use.

SEDOLL Body Painting

Body painting is primarily focused on specific areas such as the breasts, back of hands, feet, and thighs. These areas are commonly chosen to accentuate the natural curves and contours of the body, creating a visually appealing and alluring effect.

SEDOLL Body Freckles

Body freckles are designed to cover almost the entire body. This creates a realistic and natural appearance as if the individual has freckles scattered across their skin. Of course, you are allowed to select targeted areas to cover the freckle art.

Both Are Paid Customizable Options

Both body painting and body freckles are customizable options. This means that you can choose the specific design, colors, and placement that fit your personal preference.

Also, they are paid options (The price might vary due to activities at different periods).

Maintenance Instruction

A crucial similarity between body painting and body freckles by SEDOLL is the maintenance instruction. It’s important to avoid washing the body featuring these body art with shower gel whenever possible. Instead, a gentle cleanser specifically formulated for delicate skin should be used. This helps preserve the longevity and quality of body art, ensuring it stays vibrant and intact over time. Following the recommended care instructions will allow you to enjoy your SEDOLL body art for an extended period.