Sex Doll Care Tips

Things You Do That Damage Your Sex Doll

Sex dolls are an investment and require proper care and maintenance to ensure they last for a long time. In addition to having an intimate relationship with the sex dolls, most doll owners also like to do some other random things with the sex doll, treating it as a companion rather than just a masturbation aid. However, certain things and human behaviors can be harmful to sex dolls and cause damage or deterioration over time.

Therefore, if you want the relationship to last for a long time, then you should avoid the following things that can harm the doll:

1. Using Oil-based Lubricants

Lubricants are a good way to keep the vagina or anal moisture. However, oil-based lubricants are not ideal solvents for silicone dolls or TPE dolls. Even the best sex dolls can be damaged by the use of oil-based lubricants. These lubricants can leave stains on the doll’s body and damage its material and texture. For dolls, we recommend using water-based lubricants which are harmless to dolls.


2. Never Cleaning Dolls

Just like we humans need to take showers to keep clean and healthy, the dolls also need to be cleaned and keep tidy. Something to keep in mind is to clean the doll after each use or when not used for a long time. (Meanwhile, you can take it out to flex its joints if not been used for a long time.) Never cleaning your doll can lead to a buildup of bacteria and other substances, which can cause damage to the material or internal structure of your doll.


3. Setting Odd Postures

This one applies to both humans and dolls. But we only stay in our context of sex dolls. The dolls are delicately made and not designed to handle extreme amounts of pressure, difficult postures can damage their body structure, joints, and materials. As a partner, you have the responsibility to keep it safe and intact and treat it gently.


4. Over Stretching

Though both silicone and TPE dolls have a fair amount of flexibility, you are not allowed to stretch them as much as you want. Over-stretching might tear your doll’s skin or leave permanent marks on her body. So don’t act so excessively if you don’t want either of these cases to happen.


5. Exposing to Extreme Temperatures

Exposing your doll to extreme heat or cold can cause damage to the materials, causing it to become brittle or crack. It’s important to store your doll in a cool and dry place from direct sunlight. If you can not avoid putting the sex dolls in rooms with extreme temperatures, you need to ensure that the room is equipped with devices such as portable dehumidifiers, air conditioners, or heaters, depending on the conditions of temperature changes.


6. Ignoring Small Flaws

Some small flaws that are easy to ignore, such as cracks on the doll’s body, stains on the skin, and so on, might finally become a serious problem that affects the doll completely, even shortening the lifespan of your doll. Hence you’d better be careful about these problems and make sure to fix them in time when found.

Apparently, you doll owners wouldn’t want anything bad to happen to your doll partners. Then, if you just treat your doll in the right way, none of those bad things will occur. Give them your sincere support and maintenance, and they will stay by your side for longer.

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